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 · Première mise en ligne 14 mars 21 Dernière mise à jour il y a 6 jours Téléchargé pour la dernière fois il y a 2 minutesNissan skyline GTR R32 in detail At the car's heart was the legendary RB26DETT 26litre inline six DOHC twinturbo engine Rated at 276bhp and 260lb ft of torque, it was understressed and · Nissan Skyline GTR R32 Calsonic Racing Team JTCC 1992 Overall 4th place Nissan Skyline GTR R32 Calsonic Racing Team JTCC 1993 Overall Champion Of course the wheels are different on the 1990 version, kind of BBS style, where I've already said it

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5 Ways To Make Your Nissan R32 Skyline Gt R Better Fast Car

Nissan skyline gt-r r32 specs

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May 29,  · There are not many cars built in Japan that gathered so much attention such as the Nissan Skyline GTR R34 And the 1999 VSpec was even better The Skyline GTR started its career way back in theBRANDNEW R34 Nissan Skyline GTR VSpec II Nur Cars News Nissan Nissan GTROct 13,  · JDM Expo has a great Nissan GTR (R34) V Spec II Nur, obviously named after the Nurburgring, for saleIn total, the Japanese company assembled just

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Nissan skyline gtr r34 v spec ii for sale

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  #2 They're pretty much identical The VSpec II is supposed to have better brakes Without any mods, the VSpec II is 0003sec faster in the 400M In this thread, meeekael swears the VSpec II has more understeer and the regular VSpec is better Sounds like something that could be fixed with settings Base Model had 7 different readings and the VSpec / VSpec II have 2 extra readings of Intake and Exhaust Temp readings Base model R34 GTR came with the ATTESA ETS VSpec / VSpec II came with the ATTESA ETS Pro System It acts the same as the Base Model but has the capability to split the torque from left to right at the rear wheelsNissan Skyline GTR On January 1999, the third generation of GTR, counting from R34GTR, was released for sale On the base of 2 door coupe model, which was fully changed in a previous year, the improvements of its basic performance, such as driving, turning, and stopping, and the strengthening of body rigidity, were made so that drivers could fully take advantage of its potential

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